Wednesday, February 25, 2009

iPod Touch-An Educational Tool!

This Christmas I got an iPod Touch. I have never been at all tech-savvy, and hardly knew what an iPod was, much less that I even needed one, when I opened this very generous gift from my husband. But within very little time, I found out that the iPod Touch can actually be an educational tool!

Besides being able to download educational and classic audiobooks (for free from places such as, the iPod Touch has applications that you can download--many for free, and many for a fee. I have never paid for any of my applications, as there are so many good free ones out there that I haven't seen a need to purchase any. Some of the ones I've found to be educational for my children include iChess, iSay Free (memory game similar to the old Simon light-up game), ShakeSpell (like Boggle), Match (like Memory game), Brain Tuner (timed math questions). Sudoku, and Hangman. These are just a few of the educational free applications I've seen, and more are added to the iTunes store every day.

I'm not a big proponent of spending hours staring at a computer screen, but the iTouch does come in handy for those down times while waiting with nothing else to do. And, when you are selective about the types of games, audiobooks and music you download, the iTouch can be a fun, educational experience for your children... and yourself!

Copyright 2009 Domestic Legacies

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