Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Wonders of GOOT- Natural Help for Colds and Infection

The seasons are changing, and it's time for those pesky colds and flu that come with colder weather. Since Domestic Legacies is all about sharing with you simple, practical ideas on blessing your family, I've got to tell you about this easy, inexpensive way to naturally help your family get over cold weather sickness! It's called GOOT, and it is an acronym for Garlic Olive Oil Tincture.

Before I discovered GOOT, we would have to take our children to the doctor at least once per year to get antibiotics for ear infections (And we were trying to eat well and stay healthy!) While it hasn't always kept us from catching colds and the flu, and especially viral infections, It HAS effectively kept our family out of the doctor's office and away from antibiotics while all the bugs are being passed around! We seem to get over the bugs much quicker, sickness is less intense, and we don't suffer with secondary infections.

GOOT utilizes the natural antibiotic, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties of garlic that you can actually apply safely to any part of your body that is fighting infection. But, for our purposes here, I'll just say that applying it to the feet, where it is best absorbed into the skin and then into the bloodstream, as well as to the neck around swollen lymph nodes under the ears, the chest and back where congestion accumulates in the lungs has helped us resolve those colds and flu without complications! GOOT helps attack secondary infections, like earaches, that so often pop up while you're sick, so that your body can naturally resolve the problem, often without needing antibiotics!

How do you make GOOT? I've seen several versions of the recipe, but I'm going to tell you a simpler version than the traditional recipes, which I use for our family. It seems to work just as well. At the first sign of sickness, you'll want to make a fresh batch:


6 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil

6-7 smashed (not minced or even chopped up) fresh garlic cloves-Just smash them with the flat side of a large chef's knife on your cutting board.

Place the Olive Oil in a small saucepan and warm the oil over very low heat. This will probably take less than a minute--you're not trying to cook the oil, just gently warm it!

Remove from heat and add the smashed garlic cloves. Allow to steep about 15 minutes so the oils from the garlic can come out into the olive oil. Your kitchen will smell like a yummy Italian restaurant!

Apply three times per day to the feet (be sure to wear socks to absorb extra oil so you don't harm the floor!) and any other body part that is affected: chest and back for congestion, lymph nodes around neck for earaches and sore throats. Be aware that the oil can stain clothes, furniture, sheets, or other surfaces! Rub the oil into the area to increase its absorbsion. You can also strain the oil, to make sure no particles of garlic are left, and place a drop or two of the oil into ears that are hurting from earache.

I usually leave the smashed garlic in the oil and, if it is fairly cool in the house, keep the sauce pan covered and on the counter so I remember to use it!. Most recipes say to refrigerate. Leaving the garlic in the oil over time will help more and more garlic goodness to seep into the olive oil! I have noticed, especially on little ones, however, that if the GOOT is too strong, that it can cause a little rash on sensitive skin, so keep that in mind!

I'm sure it's a good idea to tell you that I am not trying to replace the advice of your doctor, so do use common sense...If a cold or flu is not getting better or only continues to worsten, if breathing becomes difficult, or you just have a feeling you or your loved one needs to see a doctor, then do so!

Here's hoping you won't even need GOOT this season, but if the runny noses start, and you know what's coming, then give GOOT a try! We'd love to hear how it helps your family!

Copyright 2008 Domestic Legacies

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