Friday, November 21, 2008

Craft Sticks Everywhere!

Imagine what your children could create with 1000 craft sticks, or popsicle sticks as they are sometimes known as?! My children have been asking me to buy craft sticks for them to build with, so a recent trip to Walmart led us over to the craft aisle. I'm always so motivated to create something when we visit any craft store! We purchased the gigantic box of 1000 craft sticks, which was really not a bad price at all, $3-4 if I remember correctly.

Photo Copyright 2008 Domestic Legacies

By the time everyone was finished, we had craft stick swords, craft stick people, craft stick letters, and a craft stick fort...along with stray craft sticks everywhere! I can only imagine, as the children grow older, what even bigger and better creations their imaginative minds will come up with!

The craft sticks and glue were a great activity to keep everyone occupied for good long time. Along with things like Playdough, I like to have such things on hand that we only get out every once in a while, as something special the children look forward to. Do you have things like this, that the children don't have access to all the time, but makes a great activity for for special times? Please share them with us so we can share in the fun at our house too!

Copyright 2008 Domestic Legacies


Unknown said...

I keep a craft closet that throoughout the year we will invent an activity that we can only use supplies form the craft closet. I love it when kids expand their minds and think outside the box.

ScottsHelper said...

Christine, I love your idea of the craft closet! I have bought odds and ends of craft items and it is great to see what the children come up with in creating things! Thanks for the comment!